Stone Carpets


This “stone carpet” can be built inside and outside for a wide variety of applications

  • Pavements
  • Parking Spaces
  • Within garden design
  • On terraces and balconies
  • Also for table tops or other design objects

The binders are used with suitable mineral mixtures to install stable, water and air permeable floor surfaces.

The stone carpets can be made in such a way that rainwater can be absorbed by the surface of a receptive surface and seep away. The surfaces are not sealed. Conipave is easy to work with.

Currently, we offer Conipave 610, a solvent-free, yellowing 1-component binder. And Conipave 653, an UV stable, transparent, 1-component binder.

FlexiPlay - Conica - Conipave - Stone Carpet
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Get creative with custom EPDM Precision Blends for your Unique Project Needs

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Get creative with custom EPDM Precision Blends for your Unique Project Needs

Where to from here?

If you are interested in this amazing product, and would like more information, contact us.

Where to from here?

If you are interested in our amazing product, and would like more information, contact us.